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Sunday, July 22, 2007 @10:04 PM

I hav a lots of things to say...coz a lot happen during these few days and i a bit kinda dun0 how to start off with it...as i abit forget le...s0 i wun talk abt tat LOL.ok firstly, i was getting a few complain tat i wrote too less =.= ya its my fault, i lazy to write too much later will cause ppl to doze off so i decided to write a longer de.a fren called P****yn already complain in the msn so i now write a long one..so this is for u hor...ok and hor plz leh u go write also mah like tat i can giv u comments C=
hmm..ok jus gt a news from a fren tat for tml lesson we need to pluck a flower...OMG middle of the nite where to get flower? i will go my house downstair and search if nt ...i will hav to trouble my campus le ...haix recently gonna hav a lot of test and project need to do...and my ITA test coming i guess i will fail tat but i will jus try my best ... lastly sry to those who cant contact me during sat xD as u noe..i gt hp=no hp its very 'fei' so cant blame but u all can try keep calling i think i will heard it some times de C= ok i stop le

Monday, July 16, 2007 @10:10 AM

HmM...latEr g0nnA meeT up wiTh clAss for Pasta LOL...
thEn wE hav tXP aftEr tat =.=
wAt woRry mE.. is mY %^&(*)*&^%#@( CATS preSenTaTion whIch makE mE cAnt Hav a BetTer fEeliNg tHesE fEw dAy itS hAs bEen BothEring mY liFe... Haiz...but AfTer thE cAts im g0ing tO eaT chickEn Rice With my BuDi..C= At AMK HUB opp0site kopitiam LOL...
lo0kin fOrwarD to eat chIckEn riCe...*yummy* C=

Friday, July 13, 2007 @8:12 AM

evErythIng is Wr0nG...
Early in the m0rning i had a mood swiNg...but i dun0 y im s0 saD abt...
i feel liKe shUting my M0uth t0dae & leT othEr ppL do the Talking whiLe i listen(tat kinda impossible)...& i jUs waN t0 listeN t0 musiC and Tat all...buT i h0pe afTer i sAw mY fRenz i WilL fEel betTer...C=

rainb0w aPpeaRs afTer evEry storm buT whEn wiLl my Rainb0w apPear...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 @10:20 PM

As usual...during our IS module...i and tze xin cant catch up T.T lol but then its was ok bah jus tat we need more practice.after tat we had our CATS...tat was boring i skip tat part...after CATS my grp went to do the project and almost complete C= then i waited for qi qi and pearl...
by the time...around 5 we went to take bus home then saw YILIN but YQ was nt with her...WEIRD... then dun0 y i miss my bus 2 two but heng my bus 74 is efficient wahhaha three of my bus came but none of yilin bus came LOL xP

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @10:58 PM

hMm...t0dae was a normal day as usual LOL
jus tat hav to g0 sch early t0 do DGA...my slp T.T
t0dae jus c0z of TX knock her head with the Table during PAM i laugh f0r around...10 mins or s0 LOL...Chem was so so so b0ring...but i manage t0 pull thru ... wahahha...
then tat the end for my Day LOL simple and plain sia...=.=

Monday, July 9, 2007 @9:05 PM

mY nEw bl0g witH mY firSt p0sting C=
sweet & simple bl0g


Xiang ho0n/Siang ho0n aka StarZ.
dUn rEally understand myself.lol
think al0t whEn al0ne.
uGly gAl.
lEarniN t0 bE independEnt & stRonG.
Jay ch0u.
g0inG kb0x.
waTch aNiMe/DrAmA.
wAtChin tHe skY.
fErriS whEel.
RaiNy dAys.
mYselF & mYselF.(for rUnNinG aWay fr0m pRob.)


. s0fiA
Cha0 yi
h0ng Yi




July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
December 2008


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