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Saturday, September 29, 2007 @7:45 PM

duRing thEse fEw daYs... i seEm t0 hav straighteN 0ut mY th0ughts...n0 mattEr waT hapPen i must Be str0ng and abLe to Face it...independent!!! JiA y0U C=

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 @8:31 PM

tada~l0ng timE n0 blog... hohoho
lazy to blog mah cant blame xP hav been watching anime and drama as i dun hav e mo0d to work its jus i jus hav ton of sh0w unwatched lol...so im trying to watch all bef0re sch re0pen...t0dae was angry day f0r me. bef0re i went out..a y0ung guy (around my age i think) selling ice cream...then nvm i buy one from him...then he say tat i look like 20+..OMG feel like killing him sia..say me look like 18/19 still ok...say i look like 20+ wah..i was wondering i gt look so old
meh ... &^%$#@!@%$#&^*&^%$ angry... i will nv f0rget t0dae man...19 of sept 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @6:15 PM

t0dae as well as ytd...im doing h0use cleaning haha...it was v.rare for me to tidy living rm and my rm but since i had nth to do so...make my time useful C=
turning a messy place to a neat place...really gt a lot of man zu gan v.happy ^^ and i think i gd at tidying LOL..hohoho my method is throw everything away lol...and tada clean
t0dae i spent 4 hr + to clean my rm...v.slow but tat the speed i can clean it..although its still messy but its NEATER...
bef0re and after lol...nt tat much of diff

Thursday, September 6, 2007 @7:47 PM

t0dae was a terRibLe day... we went to helP out in a EnigeEring event...i tot our job is juS t0 brinG tHem ar0und but...NO! all 0f the sTudEnt haS a lesSon whiCh is to leaRn s0ldeRing whiCh i hav nV t0uch taT in mY liFe!!! mabel and i were in e sAme Grp so we was unAblE to help the sTudent wIth theiR qns...OMG we were guilty...b0th of Us w0ndEr y r we thEre f0r when we R HLM student =.= during e wh0le lesSon time...boTh of us feel like a fei ren..we cant do anything.........then after lunCh bReaK s0fia, tze xin, mabel and me is at same level and we duno how to helP them s0 mE and Mabel went to t0ilet to rest then we saw tze xin and sofia lol...but we cant chat to0 l0ng as pPl will n0tice tat we r g0ne...so we manage t0 makE a fEw triP to e t0ilet f0r gathering... buT we hAd fun iN e t0ilet taKing piC...C= lo0kin f0rward tmL iCe-skatIng ^^

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 @11:24 PM

wat hAv i bEen d0ing at h0me rEcenTly? com and tv is mY entErtaiNment... kindA b0red but peaCeful...lol tml hav a volunteering work at sCh...2 days...thur and fri OMG its such torture lol *regret agreeing to volunteer* but wats e p0int 0f sayiNg it n0w haha Jia Y0u C=
i tot i could act as if nothing happen and carry 0n my liFe... buT afTeraLl s0methiNg seEm t0 bE miSsing...perhaps its their presence which im used to seeing them... yet n0w... ...

Saturday, September 1, 2007 @2:03 PM

31 August 2007

t0dae i met up with my sec sch fren...We settle down in swensen at...marina square.i was happy to see them haha...but seem like our prob is still nt solve...she only talk to hui qi and rest although she seem ok but i noe she was as troubled as me thruout.i order a...clayfish pasta while hui qi order a black pepper seafood pasta? im nt very sure...then lina order a salad OMG only a salad?!she normally has to eat buffet for her to be full..now she only order salad wow...then pearl order a soup...thruout i duno wat she is thinking and i dare nt talk much when eating..i jus keep my mouth shut and listen to the rest talking...i duno wat to talk to her i scare she might jus blow off her top anytime..even though she is still angry at me but im glad tat she still turn up lol...at least show tat she cares haha... there was a few moment of silent due to i talk v. less compare to e usual me.everytime i hav the urge to talk to suan her which is one of my fav thing to do but i think if i did so she will stared at me which is very scary.i guess i hav to do smth abt it sooner or later...after we eaten.we waited for kaleen arrival and then we eat a ice cream cake.Ah-ha i noe lina cant be possible to eat so less...she was waiting for the cake...its yummy...and then hui qi and pearl went home first...while me kaleen lina went to bugis to play arcade...till 11 then we realise it very late ..kaleen and i took a cab home but...we WAITED very LONG for a cab and reach home abt 12 i guess...lol
these were the gift my fren gave...thx guys..i enjoy myself C= thx for taking all ur time off to hav a gathering

@1:24 PM

30 August 2007
during evening time i went to meet up with another grp of fren...i requested them to treat me instead of buying gift ...so we meet at suntec city to eat .... BUFFET C= i forget the name of the shop but we hav only 2 hrs of time to dine in...we spent the first hr eating and eating...sushi.soup.teriyaki chicken.scallop.tempura.cake and etc after eating all these...i was getting full liao...but it was nt the end...during the second hr...we started play zhong ji mi ma...the rule is whoever lose has to eat the food tat the previous person has set.but the plate has mainly sashimi and i cant eat sashimi so i was hoping to lose at the round which no need to eat sashimi but they all xin ji zhong keep choosing on sashimi hoping me to lose but...during first few round i nv lose...then they begin to sabo me.i was force to eat sashimi.nvm the next few round was kanna by almost the same person till the last few round i lose and ended up eating sashimi + some cake and etc food.i was really really v.full...the one who lose mostly in playing this game is nt me wahahha is zheng siang it was seem as if he was the bday boy.lol.after we leave the place it was around...9 plus we proceed to take bus h0me.we waited a very long time and finally 162 come it was quite empty i can say.4 of us,diana,zheng siang,kian meng and me sat at the back.the journey was kinda long...i and zs was playing game while the other 2 was chatting...and so0n we reach our downstair and i request to take photo with them..as i duno when is e next time we will be meeting..after tat h0me sweEt h0me C= thx guys... i noe u guys r busy yet still able to take some time off to celebrate my bday ..i appreciate it haha
these were the pic taken at there..yummy cake and fruit tarts it was nice ^^ and below was the fo0d which said to be xiao ding dan fav fo0d the filling is red bean

@12:53 PM

29 August 2007

t0dae was astro surprise party.tze xin, mabel and i agree to meet at 12 sharp.but as usual im late a bit xD after i hav arrive we went to canteen 1 to eat chicken rice C= it was ok la nt very nice but nt too bad either only mabel didnt eat.we then go co-op with her to buy some sweet to last her last thru till nite =.= at co-op we saw...astro fren called C...something i forget her name.we walk up to a lvl 3 classrm and wait.it was boring then some1 in the rm mention playing cards.so we r ok with it...and play till 2 plus?it was fun as kinda long nv play haha but i nv won any round =.= .when ShuLing come, we rehersal(duno hw to spell) for our show.wahaha in the show i only has to say 1 line C= compare to tze xin and mabel...haha.anyway the main star of this show is Tze Xin tada~ .around 3 plus we went to help out in water bomb and the gals get it done very fast within mins .the event started and went well..we eat and chat,perform our show it was kind a success.oh photo-taking time.then ghost telling time?tat abt all and end the day C= reach home kinda late...

(below)my cousin and me~dun look like rite? of coz we r cousin mah

Mabel,tze xin~


Xiang ho0n/Siang ho0n aka StarZ.
dUn rEally understand myself.lol
think al0t whEn al0ne.
uGly gAl.
lEarniN t0 bE independEnt & stRonG.
Jay ch0u.
g0inG kb0x.
waTch aNiMe/DrAmA.
wAtChin tHe skY.
fErriS whEel.
RaiNy dAys.
mYselF & mYselF.(for rUnNinG aWay fr0m pRob.)


. s0fiA
Cha0 yi
h0ng Yi




July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
December 2008


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