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Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @6:30 PM

hEre f0r an0tHer bl0gGing~
hmM...t0Dae while 0n mY buS i haV d0nE somE rEflEcti0n...
i rEaliSe mY way 0f talkinG t0 peOple iS quiTe harsh s0metimEs.
i ytD finAlly builD uP my c0urAge aNd RejEct g0ing caMp hoho taT onE gD nEws but thEn i kindA thInk baCk... as tZe xiN says. i shlDn't sAy to0 stRaiGht f0rwArd t0 hEr. tat mY faulT anD s0Rry tAt im irresp0nsible & selFish pErs0n vEry s0rRy t0 hEr kinDa rEgret sEndin tAt mSg but 0nE thiNg i nV regrEt is n0t g0inG foR thE cAmp.kinDa sick 0f camp le. s0 in thE fuTuRe i bEttEr talK leSs C= aNd st0p g0inG astRo to iRritate thEm C= my friDay niTe is Free~~

Friday, November 16, 2007 @9:01 PM

wh0A~ 0ne wK hAs pAssEd C= whiCh mEanS 0nE wK neAreR t0 h0li...
smtH hAs bEen tr0ubliNg mE thEse fEw dayS... shlD i g0 for cAmp? i wAnnA eArn $$ aNd maYbe thEre wiLl bE a ceLebrati0n of my sEc fRen bday t00(long timE nV met uP wiTh thEm)... whAt shld i do? iF i duN g0 wAt reaS0n shld i giV thEm...& tzE xiN will bE al0ne...haiz i guEsS i haV t0 taKe 0ne stEp at A tiMe bah.en0ugh of thIs.........................t0daE wAs a tiRing day as usuAl coz g0t fl0wer arrangemEnt C= yq giV us Each 2 fl0weRs hah thX man....t0dae was a enjoyaBle dAy
haiZ...tMl g0na suFfEr at w0rkplAce but luCkily gT my k0r and mAbel hohoho...

Monday, November 12, 2007 @9:46 PM

t0dae yilin t0ld me tAt mY bl0G l0ok a bit Sad...i tHink thiS qN thRu my Way h0me... gt mAny reAs0n bah.. firStly iS i uPdateD thiS whEn my mo0d iSnt rite... sec0ndly is coz tAt mY pErs0nality wAs likE tat iN e pAst.. a sAdDist i guEss...thiRdly aLl pPl hAv pR0b de mah incluDing mE juS tat mY pr0b is th0sE xiao ti da zhuo tat tyPe.thiS is Call 'ownself find pr0b'

Sunday, November 11, 2007 @7:57 AM

t0dAe is A bRanD nEw dAy f0r work again...
w0nDer h0w thinGs will g0 todae.. h0pe it Wun bE s0 jiA laT ba
ytd wAs deAd tiRed...but wAs sliGhtly bEttEr thAn laSt wK..perhaP im n0t uSed t0 thiS tYpe of w0rk but siNcE i neEd $ s0 tat ok lol... and duE t0 s0me pErsonaL pRob i wUn quiT at tHe moMent.. wh0 noe nExt wK i miGht juS quiT lol... liFe iS unpRedictablE

Friday, November 9, 2007 @6:49 PM

fr0m n0w 0n i dUn bElievE tat higH f0reheaD=clEveR...
dunN0 whiCh pErs0n sAy s0...FeEl liKe kilLinG him siA... my IQ is 0nly 117 =.=..OMG worst thAn Chao yI ....h0w can...*faint* i thInk hE shLd bE my Shi Fu sia...
here waT it Says:

Congratulations, Siang hoon!Your IQ score is 117 This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet.


Xiang ho0n/Siang ho0n aka StarZ.
dUn rEally understand myself.lol
think al0t whEn al0ne.
uGly gAl.
lEarniN t0 bE independEnt & stRonG.
Jay ch0u.
g0inG kb0x.
waTch aNiMe/DrAmA.
wAtChin tHe skY.
fErriS whEel.
RaiNy dAys.
mYselF & mYselF.(for rUnNinG aWay fr0m pRob.)


. s0fiA
Cha0 yi
h0ng Yi




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