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Monday, December 31, 2007 @11:37 PM

itS bEen a l0ng l0ng timE sinCe i Ever BloG lolz...
anyWay im hAving mY bReak now buT itS g0nnA end So0n =.= haiZ thE h0li Was juS noT enough f0r me.. t0nS oF thinGs...play po0l...and watCh draMa C=
reCently i hAv mEt uP wiTh my Sec sCh frEn....ntH muCh chAngEs tHey wErE stiLl tHe sAmE ... anD i stArt t0 miSs thE timE wE arE in SeC scH s0 muCh laughter AnD fuN but liFe is gReat for me n0w C=... oN saT i meT up wiTh my pRi sCh fRen ...so so hApPy itS beEn likE 1 yEaR i nV sAw thEm..wE weNt to kb0x t0 siNg anD plAy itS waS reAllY fuN ..gReat to hAv thEm aRounD lol i pRomiSe i Will chErisH thiS frEnship C= C=
As 2008 is CominG i Will enD iT quiCk
OMG im n0w aT yq hoUse wiTh soFia.Tze Xin.MabEl.ChAo yi.kRystAl(joinin uS lAtEr) anD yQ lol...coUntingd0Wn toGethEr itS rEallY enJoyablE i lEaRn a bit oF guitar skiLl fRom yq.chao yi aNd MabEl thX guyS.... anD t0dae im hAppY C= coz oF h0h0h0 seCret

Sunday, December 9, 2007 @12:24 PM

On FriDay wE (Krystal,Sofia,Tze Xin,Mabel,Yilin,Huilin,Drum,Yq,Chao Yi) wEnt t0 eAt stEamb0At at Marina Bay thErE. bUT bEf0Re tAt wE hAd Cha Hua lEsSon..so We aLl quiCklY do aNd haNd up c0z wE all AlReady In h0li mo0D C= We wEnt to clementi tO bUy stuFf f0r...ouR deluxy Chalet aT yq hoUse. thRouGhouT thE jourNey to mArinA bAy wE all hAd a l0t oF fun taLking And pLaying.And thEn finaLly wE rEach oUR location we wEnt f0r Steamboat whiCh hAs unliMitEd pRawn lol Dragon villAge. wE bEgin eaTing aftEr drum arrival... there aRe 2 stEamb0at thinG then onE siDe Has moStly pRawn Army suRroundinG thE soUp, while thE oTher siDe haS deliciouS s0up and chicKen conquEr thEre lol...wE pLay Zhong Ji Mi Ma c0z mAny unEaten fo0d left =.= yq kAnNa tHE m0St, mAbel and i kAnNa 2 timEs lol itS waS fun. AftEr thE stEamb0at huilin and drum went h0mE then hErE wE c0mE the DeluXy ChalEt!
on tHe Way Mabel and i saw onE bRight comEt OMG v.nice and we r lucky C=
afTer arriviNg thEre wE wEre alL quEninG f0R thE batHro0m anD aRound 12+ i thiNk ..wE stArt ouR m0Vie mArathron... firSt m0vie is...SHUTTER...w0ah niCe AnD scaRy as EvEr.next up iS ChuCky bUt wE stoP hAlf wAy cOz itS a Bit boRing thEn thEy switCh t0 thE Eye 10. Mabel and i wEnt to hiS ro0ftop to sEe starS... omg the SceneRy iS niCe thE starS arE quiTe brighT and thE winD is vEry co0lin i coulD slP thEre... thEn we wEnt to yq ro0m to slack whiLe thE reSt aRe waTching the Eye 10. aftEr tAt wE weNt d0wn anD slp LOL...i slp around 5 am for 1 hr or so then sEe thEm plAy riSk.bY thEn it Was aRound 6+ im sTill slPy buT im m0Re hungRy thAn slpy.at 7+ maBel And i Went t0 eat oUr bReakFAst which IS milK and c0c0 C= aftEr tAt wE slp agAin LOL ...but woke uP bEfore aN hr...gosh im StiLl slpY bUt by thEn all hAs woke up...and ouR m0vie marathon Has stArt again... this time the movie watChed was .SaW ll, thE lAme crAwling moviE called ju-oh(spelling mistake?) i laugh more than it scare me lol.. next Up wAs hOt fuZz abt a policemen de itS wAs quiTe niCe and FunNy C= then We eAt ouR lunCh thEn neXt moVie up iS a cinderella story. its was niCe i guEss... and so0n We wEre alreadY leavinG around 10 pm on Sat niGht..timEs pAss fAst.. haiz...buT itS wAs rEally Fun but tiring l0l.. plZ viSit krystAl blog for m0re detAil stuff C=

Monday, December 3, 2007 @9:22 AM

finAlly all hAd enDed inCludinG my j0B C= thiS weEkenD waS d0inG smTh spEcial decOratiNg rEal anD artiFiciaL chRistmAs tRee! altHouGh i wAs onLy decOrating The loWer pArt 0F tHe tRee buT im okay wiTh iT C= iF n0t i Hav tO cliMb thE lAdDer uP...tHe lAdDer SeEm dAngEroUs...haiZ kinda she bu de tat place lol thE pe0Ple thEre wEre fRienDly aNd niCe t0 uS, thiS j0b haS mAde mY weEkenD m0Re mEaniNgful aT lEast uSinG it iN a bEttEr wAy iNstEad oF slAckinG at h0mE bUt i pRefEr to g0 cyCling anD hAnginG out wiTh fRiends. n0W thiNking 0f my WeEkenD kinDa emPty siA ... ... bUt ANYWAY all i wAn iS t0 go CyCling ^^ im waitiNg anD wAiting~~

Saturday, December 1, 2007 @7:02 AM

a nEw S.H.E s0ng t0 mE buT seEm likE thIs sonG is 0ut kiNda l0ng ag0 itS v.Nice 0.o
thE lyRicS is mEaniNgful aS t0 descRibe h0W i am Feeling Sia ... tHis sonG is ReAlLy niCe C=
g0sh i rEalLy nEed tUne iN t0 93.3 f0r m0Re upDate 0F muSic...pErhAp rEcentlY was Busy wiTh sCh w0rk buT itS abT t0 bE oVer so0n....C= thEn h0li hEre i Come.mY cyCling~~


Xiang ho0n/Siang ho0n aka StarZ.
dUn rEally understand myself.lol
think al0t whEn al0ne.
uGly gAl.
lEarniN t0 bE independEnt & stRonG.
Jay ch0u.
g0inG kb0x.
waTch aNiMe/DrAmA.
wAtChin tHe skY.
fErriS whEel.
RaiNy dAys.
mYselF & mYselF.(for rUnNinG aWay fr0m pRob.)


. s0fiA
Cha0 yi
h0ng Yi




July 2007
August 2007
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October 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
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December 2008


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